Friday, December 4, 2009

The joys and heart aches of the daft blogger!

Okay I have finally managed to not be totally crushed by the lack of comments my blogs get. I guess in the end I'm just happy to have my thoughts out there and know that someone, somewhere is reading them!
(Well hopefully that someone isn't locked in a basement with an arrangement of sharp knives, giggling happily to himself and whispering, "soon me pretty, soon!!")

I think everyone out there wants to be able to express themselves, whether it's by singing, or doing well in work, or painting or letting one rip on a crowded train! (Which I must admit is a from of cruelty hard to parallel!!)

For me its this blog because I can write whatever interesting thoughts go whizzing through my brain or tunneling about my cortex. And I've found that it is actually quiet interesting to go read other people's blogs as well! I get all sorts from the terribly interesting to the mind-numbingly boring, it's all part of seeing what other people do and get up to in their lives.
(And trust me, humans are wickedly messed up, reading blogs does teach you all sorts of things that will haunt you at 2am in the morning!)

So if you do read this and you're not up for commenting, I don't mind. Feel free to leave your blogs link or the link of an interesting page or news media. (Er, not porn though, there's plenty out there I can find for myself should the urge to go totally against my nature hit me! ^_^)

Now lets go see what people are getting up to and who's evil twin has amnesia and can only write "BURBLE" on their shared blog!
Hi ho Silver away!!


  1. I can promise that at least one person reads your blog posts with rapt attention. ;)

    And thanks! It was your blog that prompted me to start my own. ^_^

  2. Hi Sparky Jo, I have been following your blog since you have first posted it on Facebook, and I have been waiting for new posts on there... However... confronted with your wittiness and the depth and smartness with which you comment or describe every day things... well, it all leaves me kind of speechless, and I felt like I was lacking the words to actually make a comment that would be worse posting. However, I do enjoy reading your blog and your updates/comments on FB, they either make me smile or giggle or they make me think and contemplate what you have said- so please, do fire away and share more of it all with us/me!

  3. Ah thank you both hey!!!!

    ***BIG HUGS!!!***

  4. Jovvi, I always enjoy your zany humour! I must admit just today I was thinking that I also love the feedback on any articles I post. We want to SHARE SHARE SHARE. :-)

    Link to my blog: (Christian blog)
