Friday, January 22, 2010

Mind Mind Games Games?

Kicking it with the Blarney

Let's be honest with ourselves a moment here. No one likes an adult dressed up in a giant dinosaur suit, not even kids, it's just damn creepy! Can you seriously show me anyone who actually did like things like that when they were a kid? Sorry let me rephrase that: - Can you seriously show me anyone, who is not on heavy drugs or committed to an institution, who actually did like things like that as a kid?

Yet even remembering the horror we suffered as tots, we then still, in turn, inflict it on the next generation!It's like a bad car accident that you're looking at, you know you shouldn't yet you seem powerless to stop!

I mean sure it's good to spread the idea of friendship and love, but I'm not so sure I want some of the love that a grown man in velt is offering! "No I do not want to go to 'Candy Heart Loveland' with you, you sweaty pawed weirdo!!"

So next time before you sit little Mikey down by the TV consider instead letting him play outdoors or colour in a puzzle or heck, even juggle knives, chances are, in the end, there will be a lot less (psychological)scarring! It's time to break free!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Define "Pet"

Want my Precioussssss!!!

Ursh loves motorbikes, absolutely! So when she finally got her own she spend hours looking at it and polishing it, and dreaming about when it would be roadworthy and she could hit the open highway! Sometimes though, it was down right creepy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The eye of the beholder

Well there you go! They say you should "Love thyself"! So far, so good! : P