Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I still think it would have been interesting....

Give them the bird

Like, so, anyway...

I like noticing things in movies and pointing them out to Ursh. Or just talking and making general comments as the movie goes on. I have begun to suspect that she may not like this though...

Rules are made to be broken?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hair Raising

Okay I'll admit there are times I am stubborn for stubborns sake alone! But isn't it annoying when someone is right, so obviously right, and there you are left feeling dopey? ^_^

Who's a naughty waughty?

I've always wondered about supernatural creatures. I mean like Vampires. Do they ever get indigestion from all that blood? Cause I mean none of their organs work so how do they digest it exactly? And do any suffer from high Cholesterol? And Zombies, sure brains are nice but what about some chips now and then? If they just eat to live (or exist as they're sort of not living) surely a few would raid the veggie patch at night? And how do you house train a werewolf?

Walking chop chop!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Scent of Change?

Sometimes I despair of Ursh ever giving up smoking! But she assures me she will... eventually!! Ah well,who knows? Perhaps one day she just might?

Cat - Ass - Trophy?

Because pets can't talk, we can't always tell what they're thinking or feeling. They have to try and show us as best they can and hope that we humans manage to figure out what it is they want us to know...