Monday, November 23, 2009

Feeling the er heat?

Our heater died today. Please! Contain your sympathy! Though it is a crushing loss we are managing to survive okay though it did come upon us suddenly. (Luckily on the last day of the cold spell just before summer hit us again mercilessly, hahaha, victory!!)

Yes well anyway...

I was just thinking about the years we’ve owned that old oil heater and how we’ve taken it everywhere with us. It’s even been to Durban and back! (Where, admittedly, we used it very little, the extreme heats of Durban ensuring it pretty much acted like an extra table for the two years we were there).

So what does this really have to do with anything? Well I was just thinking how attached a person can get to an inanimate object weather it’s useful, like a cell phone or computer or much loved heater, to something like a toy for a child or a lucky rabbit's foot,(that’s all stained and foul and god you really should throw it out)! You sort of take these things for granted, expect them to last for ages and then one day, POOF, they’re not there anymore!

And yes there’s a deep and meaningful statement there about life and love and accepting that loss happens and not taking things for granted and other fine things you’re welcome to interpret or misinterpret. Me? I’m off to buy a new heater. Something’s are just that, things and easily replaced! Probably some deep meaning in that too! ^_^

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