Thursday, January 7, 2010

So that's how it crumbled!!

Ursh found Jo’s Zero tolerance policy on ingratitude a bit hard to swallow!!


  1. OMG! I'm trying to work here. And you're making me laugh like a hyena in an office which was dead quiet a few seconds ago!!!

  2. good one- and I so side with you. ingratitude should be punished ;)

  3. Hillarious! It was the same for me when I went to all the trouble to buy desert from Woolworths and then the family said "nah, we're full and tired and going to bed." "Eat the bloody desert you bastards!"

  4. Do you remember this? Gosh it was funny!!

    Ruth - YEAH!!

    Magnus - I always keep a whip handy.... :P

  5. LOL! Sounds scary, remind everybody to never ever refuse anything you have to offer.

    *backing off* nice lady, nice lady

    *runs away screaming baby blue murder*
