Monday, February 11, 2013

Let's skip!

* Anyone notice I spelt Saturday wrong? I blame that fact on the fact that I drew this on a Tuesday!
(And not because of my appalling lack of spelling graces!)

By Jove - Not the buns!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You wouldn't understand...


(You know how guys are, always want to get their hands on your melons!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So not punny!

 He's often round about the place and travels in my circle of friends.

He has wall eye...

Me World!

 There are people out there who don't believe I can eat a whole full sized melon in one day. I like them. They buy watermelon to see if it's true! *Free fruit - A favourite phrase of mine!*

Actually I do understand it most times. but not being a slathering game player I will admit my contributions to such conversations are some what limited.
Plants vs Zombies has flowers in it!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Did you ever notice...

 And EVERY joke by a SINGLE guy is just SO funny!!!! >_<

 I can compete with the arabesque of them!

Don't breathe in! Don't breathe in! DRAT! There goes the whole meal! 

Only the lonely... dum dum dum dum di doo dum....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My days are never dull!

Rob suggested it.... 

 The wealth of porno on the net didn't help the situation.

 Windows has encountered an Existentialist!

Can't I stamp em all out and just be left with the weekend?